A course in quantitative research workflow for students in the higher education administration program at the University of Florida
After your data have been wrangled from raw values to an analysis data set and you’ve explored it with summary statistics and graphics, you are ready to model it and begin making inferences. As one should expect from a statistical language, R has a powerful system for fitting statistical and econometric models.
Because the purpose of this course is to learn and practice using a good quantitative work flow, we won’t spend time much time interpreting the results from our inferential models. Instead, this lesson will give you the basic understanding you need to run correlations and t-tests in R as well as give a quick overview of how to use survey weights. (We’ll cover regressions and predictions in a later lesson.) That said, the lessons you’ve learned in other courses about proper statistical practice still stand — this lesson should help you apply what you’ve learned before.
In this lesson, we’ll use data from the NCES Education Longitudinal Study of 2002. Much like HSLS, ELS is a nationally representative survey that initially surveyed students in their early high school career (10th grade in 2002) and followed them into college and the workforce. We’ll again use a smaller version of the data, so be sure to get the full data files if you decide to use ELS in a future project. One additional benefit of ELS is that the public use files contain the weights we’ll use to properly account for the survey design later in the lesson.
Here’s a codebook with descriptions of the variables included in our lesson today:
variable | description |
stu_id | student id |
sch_id | school id |
strat_id | stratum |
psu | primary sampling unit |
bystuwt | student weight |
bysex | sex-composite |
byrace | student’s race/ethnicity-composite |
bydob_p | student’s year and month of birth |
bypared | parents’ highest level of education |
bymothed | mother’s highest level of education-composite |
byfathed | father’s highest level of education-composite |
byincome | total family income from all sources 2001-composite |
byses1 | socio-economic status composite, v.1 |
byses2 | socio-economic status composite, v.2 |
bystexp | how far in school student thinks will get-composite |
bynels2m | els-nels 1992 scale equated sophomore math score |
bynels2r | els-nels 1992 scale equated sophomore reading score |
f1qwt | questionnaire weight for f1 |
f1pnlwt | panel weight, by and f1 (2002 and 2004) |
f1psepln | f1 post-secondary plans right after high school |
f2ps1sec | Sector of first postsecondary institution |
female | == 1 if female |
moth_ba | == 1 if mother has BA/BS |
fath_ba | == 1 if father has BA/BS |
par_ba | == 1 if either parent has BA/BS |
plan_col_grad | == 1 if student plans to earn college degree |
lowinc | == 1 if income < $25k |
Let’s load the libraries and data!
…but first! You’ll most likely need to install the survey
package first,
using install.packages("survey")
## ---------------------------
## libraries
## ---------------------------
## ── Attaching core tidyverse packages ──────────────────────── tidyverse 2.0.0 ──
## ✔ dplyr 1.1.1 ✔ readr 2.1.4
## ✔ forcats 1.0.0 ✔ stringr 1.5.0
## ✔ ggplot2 3.4.2 ✔ tibble 3.2.1
## ✔ lubridate 1.9.2 ✔ tidyr 1.3.0
## ✔ purrr 1.0.1
## ── Conflicts ────────────────────────────────────────── tidyverse_conflicts() ──
## ✖ dplyr::filter() masks stats::filter()
## ✖ dplyr::lag() masks stats::lag()
## ℹ Use the conflicted package (<http://conflicted.r-lib.org/>) to force all conflicts to become errors
## Loading required package: grid
## Loading required package: Matrix
## Attaching package: 'Matrix'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:tidyr':
## expand, pack, unpack
## Loading required package: survival
## Attaching package: 'survey'
## The following object is masked from 'package:graphics':
## dotchart
## ---------------------------
## directory paths
## ---------------------------
## assume we're running this script from the ./scripts subdirectory
dat_dir <- file.path("..", "data")
## ---------------------------
## input data
## ---------------------------
## assume we're running this script from the ./scripts subdirectory
df <- read_dta(file.path(dat_dir, "els_plans.dta"))
In prior lessons, we’ve visually checked for correlations between
variables through plotting. We can also produce more formal tests of
correlation using R’s cor()
function. By default, it gives us the
Pearson correlation
though we can also use it to return other versions.
First, let’s check the correlation between math and reading
scores. Because this is a base R function, we’ll need to use df$
notation. We’ll also need to be explicit about removing missing values
with the argument, use = "complete.obs"
(one of the few annoying
function options that doesn’t really match how other functions work).
## correlation between math and reading scores
cor(df$bynels2m, df$bynels2r, use = "complete.obs")
## [1] 0.7521538
As we might have hypothesized, there is a strong positive correlation between math and reading scores.
We can also build a correlation matrix if we give cor()
a data
frame. Our data set, though smaller than the full ELS data set, is
still rather large. We’ll only check the correlations between a few
variables. In this next example, I’ll show you how you might do this
using the tidyverse way we’ve used in other lessons.
## correlation between various columns, using pipes
df %>%
## select a few variables
select(byses1, bynels2m, bynels2r, par_ba) %>%
## use a . to be the placeholder for the piped in data.frame
cor(., use = "complete.obs")
## byses1 bynels2m bynels2r par_ba
## byses1 1.0000000 0.4338441 0.4315718 0.7041740
## bynels2m 0.4338441 1.0000000 0.7490148 0.2980608
## bynels2r 0.4315718 0.7490148 1.0000000 0.2865717
## par_ba 0.7041740 0.2980608 0.2865717 1.0000000
Per our expectations, the main diagonal is all 1s — every variable
is perfectly correlated with itself — and the mirror cells on either
side of the line are the same: [2,1] == [1,2] because the correlation
between bynels2m
and byses1
is the same as byses1
and bynels2m
(the order doesn’t matter).
Quick exercise
Run a correlation of both math and reading scores against whether the father has a Bachelor’s degree (
) or the mother has a Bachelor’s degree (moth_ba
). In what ways, if any, is this different than what you get when using the combinedpar_ba
indicator variable?
One common statistical test is a t-test for a difference in means
across groups (there are, of course, other types of t-tests that R
can compute). This
version of the test can be computed using the R formula syntax: y ~
. In our example, we’ll compute base-year math scores against
parent’s college education level. Notice that since we have the data
= df
argument after the comma, we don’t need to include df$
the two variables.
## t-test of difference in math scores across parental education (BA/BA or not)
t.test(bynels2m ~ par_ba, data = df)
## Welch Two Sample t-test
## data: bynels2m by par_ba
## t = -38.341, df = 13269, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in means between group 0 and group 1 is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## -8.671327 -7.827819
## sample estimates:
## mean in group 0 mean in group 1
## 41.97543 50.22501
Looking at the bottom of the output, we see the mean math scores across the two groups:
for students for whom
neither parent has a Bachelor’s degree or higher50.2250064
for students for whom
at least one parent has a Bachelor’s degree or higherAre these differences statistically meaningful? Looking in the third
line, we see a large t stat of -38.34
is highly statistically significant at conventional levels. Taken
together, we can say that among this sample of students, those from
households in which at least one parent had a Bachelor’s degree or
higher tended to score higher on the math exam than their peers whose
parents did not have a Bachelor’s degree or higher. Furthermore, this
result is statistically significant, meaning that we can reject the
null that there is no difference between the groups, that is, the
difference we observe is just sampling noise.
Is the difference practically significant? Maybe, but to really know that we need to understand more about the design and scaling of the math test. Once we do, we can apply our content-area knowledge and place our findings in their proper context.
Quick exercise
Run a t-test of reading scores against whether the father has a Bachelor’s degree (
So far we haven’t used survey weights, but they are very important if we want to make population-level inferences using surveys with complex sampling designs. Yes, we can produce means, compute t-tests, and fit regressions without weights, but our results may not be externally valid due the fact that observations in our sample are almost certainly out of proportion to their occurrence in the population. Otherwise stated, it’s likely that our sample under-represents some groups while over-representing others. The upshot is that any unweighted estimates will be a function of what we observe (sample) and not necessarily what we want (population). Furthermore, our standard errors — which we use when determining statistical significance — may be incorrect if we don’t use survey weights, meaning that we may be more likely to commit Type I or Type II errors.
So that we can make population-level inferences, survey designers often include weights that allow us to adjust the amount each observation contributes to our estimates. With this adjustment our estimate should better reflect the population value. To use survey weights, you’ll need to use the survey package (which we’ve already loaded above).
As a first step, you need to set the survey design using the
function. You could do this in the svymean()
functions we’ll use to actually produce our weighted
estimates, but it’s easier and clearer to do it first, store it in an
object, and then re-use that object.
ELS has a complex sampling design that we won’t get
into, but the
appropriate columns from our data frame, df
, are set to the proper
arguments in svydesign()
are the primary sampling units or psu
are indicated by the strat_id
is the base-year student weight or bystuwt
is our data frame object, df
nest = TRUE
because the psu
s are nested in strat_id
sFinally, notice the ~
before each column name, which is necessary in
this function.
## subset data
svy_df <- df %>%
select(psu, # primary sampling unit
strat_id, # stratum ID
bystuwt, # weight we want to use
bynels2m, # variables we want...
female) %>%
## go ahead and drop observations with missing values
## set svy design data
svy_df <- svydesign(ids = ~psu,
strata = ~strat_id,
weight = ~bystuwt,
data = svy_df,
nest = TRUE)
Now that we’ve set the survey design, let’s compare the unweighted mean with one that accounts for the survey design.
## compare unweighted and survey-weighted mean of math scores
df %>% summarise(bynels2m_m = mean(bynels2m, na.rm = TRUE))
## # A tibble: 1 × 1
## bynels2m_m
## <dbl>
## 1 45.4
svymean(~bynels2m, design = svy_df, na.rm = TRUE)
## mean SE
## bynels2m 44.424 0.262
It’s a little different!
We can also use the survey package to properly weight our t-tests and
regression models — again, using the object svy_df
the design
argument in place of our unset df
data frame.
## get svymeans by group
svyby(~bynels2m, by = ~par_ba, design = svy_df, FUN = svymean, na.rm = TRUE)
## par_ba bynels2m se
## 0 0 41.43669 0.2481650
## 1 1 49.35088 0.3370024
## t-test using survey design / weights
svyttest(bynels2m ~ par_ba, design = svy_df)
## Design-based t-test
## data: bynels2m ~ par_ba
## t = 22.988, df = 389, p-value < 2.2e-16
## alternative hypothesis: true difference in mean is not equal to 0
## 95 percent confidence interval:
## 7.237325 8.591066
## sample estimates:
## difference in mean
## 7.914195
Notice that unlike the base R t.test()
function, svyttest()
the difference between the groups. That’s part of the reason we began
by using svyby()
function with FUN = svymean
. Looking at the full
output between the two functions, our results are a little different
from what we got earlier without weights.
Compare this to the output from
above. How is it different?
Two notes:
First, the survey library has a ton of features and is worth diving into if you regularly work with survey data. We’ve only scratched the surface of what it can do. But keep in mind that whatever statistical test you want to perform, there’s likely a version that works with survey weights via this library.
Second, you’ll have to spend a lot of time reading the survey
methodology documents in order to understand which weights you should
you use (context always matters) so that you can properly set up your
survey design with svydesign()
. But be warned: even then it won’t
always be clear which weights are the “correct” weights. That said, do
as you always do: (1) your due diligence, and (2) be prepared to
defend your choice as well as note potential limitations.