A course in quantitative research workflow for students in the higher education administration program at the University of Florida
In this lesson, we’ll combine many of the pieces we’ve already covered — reading in data, cleaning data, making tables and figures — into a single RMarkdown document. We’ll purposefully keep it simple at first by reusing some code we’ve seen before.
But first things first, you’ll need to download a bit of software for our RMarkdown documents to properly compile as PDF documents. Specifically, you’ll need LaTeX, a typesetting system best known for being able to nicely render mathematical notation but that is really useful for making reproducible documents. Depending on your operating system, you’ll want one of these two systems (I’m assuming that if you use a Linux OS, you probably can get LaTeX installed if you haven’t already).
These are large downloads (particularly for MacOS), but the LaTeX system is sufficiently useful in reproducible research that it’s worth getting on your machine.
If you are unable to get LaTeX to install properly or cannot get the document to compile as PDF, you should be able to compile to HTML instead.
You will also need the R knitr
and rmarkdown
libraries. If you
haven’t already installed them, type
into your R console.
R Markdown is a file format for making dynamic documents with R. An R Markdown document is written in markdown (an easy-to-write plain text format) and contains chunks of embedded R code…
In other words, an RMarkdown (hereafter RMD) document has two basic components:
RMD documents use the file ending, *.Rmd
, which makes sense as they
combine R
code with md
text. To compile an RMD file, meaning to
you will use the rmarkdown::render()
function, which in turn uses the
function under the hood. It can be a bit confusing how
all the pieces work together, but
luckily, you can use RStudio’s point-and-click interface to knit your
By default, RStudio will fill a new RMarkdown document with some example text that looks like this. You can turn this off in Rstudio’s settings, but I think it’s helpful to see the skeleton of an RMarkdown document (plus, it’s not a big deal to just erase the parts you don’t need).
title: "Document Title"
author: "Benjamin Skinner"
date: "3/30/2020"
output: pdf_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)
## R Markdown
This is an R Markdown document. Markdown is a simple formatting syntax
for authoring HTML, PDF, and MS Word documents. For more details on
using R Markdown see <http://rmarkdown.rstudio.com>.
When you click the **Knit** button a document will be generated that
includes both content as well as the output of any embedded R code
chunks within the document. You can embed an R code chunk like this:
```{r cars}
## Including Plots
You can also embed plots, for example:
```{r pressure, echo=FALSE}
Note that the `echo = FALSE` parameter was added to the code chunk to
prevent printing of the R code that generated the plot.
Rather than using the example document given when opening a new file,
we’ll go through the example document test_scores.Rmd
in your
scripts folder (and linked above) piece by piece, starting with the YAML
YAML, which stands for “YAML Ain’t a Markup Language”, is a common way to configure dynamic documents like RMD documents. The YAML header is this piece of code:
title: "Test scores from 1980-1985"
author: Benjamin Skinner
date: 30 March 2020
output: pdf_document
Notice the opening and closing three hyphens (---
). This is how R
knows that this section of code is special. The YAML can become complex,
as you add document options, but for now we keep it simple:
(empty string) for no printed datepdf_output
: for PDF (uses LaTeX)html_output
: for web page output (open in browser)word_output
: for MSWord output (uses MSWord)We’re using pdf_output
but you either change this setting or override
it when compiling the final document.
NB The colon (:
) is a special character in YAML. Notice that I
don’t necessarily have to use quotation marks for strings with spaces:
I do for the title, but not for my name. That said, if your title
includes a colon, you need to wrap the entire title string in double
quotation marks ("
) — otherwise the document won’t compile.
NB If you download test_scores.Rmd
from the link at the top of the
page, there’s a good chance that the YAML header has been stripped from
the file (something to do with the way this site is build and served).
If it’s missing, just cut and paste the YAML above (including the
opening and closing ---
) into the top of the test_scores.Rmd
In general, an RMD code chunk looks like a markdown code chunk. The key difference between the two is that while a plain markdown code chunk is purely about formatting, the RMD code chunk will try to run the code and print any output:
## this is just a representation (nothing happens)
x <- rnorm(1000)
## this will produce 1000 random normal values and place in x
x <- rnorm(1000)
Notice the difference? It’s subtle, but notice that the RMD chunk places
braces around the r after the tick marks: {r}
. In a normal
markdown document, the braces won’t mean anything. But in an RMD
document, it’s different between just printing the code and printing the
```{r setup, echo=F, include=F, message=F, warning=F, error=F}
## ---------------------------
## libraries
## ---------------------------
## ---------------------------
## settings/macros
## ---------------------------
## NB:
## - echo (FALSE): don't repeat this code in output
## - include (FALSE): run code, but don't include output (unless a plot)
## - message (FALSE): don't output any messages
## - warning (FALSE): don't output any warnings
## - error (FALSE: don't output any errors
## We'll include these in the general knitr::opts_chunk() below, but
## need them here to silence unnecessary output before we can set the options
## set up knitr options
opts_chunk$set(error = FALSE,
echo = FALSE,
include = FALSE,
message = FALSE,
warning = FALSE,
fig.path = "../figures/repo-", # where figures should be stored
dpi = 300, # print quality (300 standard for print)
out.width = "100%", # figures should be as wide as margins
comment = NA) # if code output, no comment char on LHS
## ---------------------------
## directory paths
## ---------------------------
## read in our data here, assuming we're in scripts like always
dat_dir <- file.path("..", "data")
sch_dir <- file.path(dat_dir, "sch_test")
In our first code chunk, notice how we still load our libraries and set
our file paths. For the libraries, we need to load knitr with
in addition to whichever libraries we need for our
In addition to our normal analysis setup, notice that we add knitr-specific options in two places.
First, we can set code chunk-specific options within the braces that
start the code chunk. After r
, the first word is the name of the
chunk. While not strictly necessary to name your chunks, it can come in
handy as your documents become more complex: if you get an error, it’s
much easier to find data_input
chunk than unnamed_chunk_38
There are a lot of options you can set for your chunks. Here we set the following:
(FALSE): don’t repeat this code in outputinclude=F
(FALSE): run code, but don’t include output (unless a
(FALSE): don’t output any messageswarning=F
(FALSE): don’t output any warningserror=F
(FALSE): don’t output any errorsIn sum, this keeps our chunk from echoing the input code into our document and prevents any output. Basically, silence. Sometimes we want our code to echo; sometimes we want output. But since we are making a report, we generally want the underlying code to remain hidden. Readers of our report should only see the write up and any relevant tables and figures — but not all the hard coding we did to make them!
After this first chunk, we can save some typing by setting these options
for the rest of the document using knitr::opt_chunks$set()
. Notice
that we include the same settings as above plus a few more:
: path + prefix for all figures (put them in our
(dots per inch): the print quality of our figures; 300 dpi is
a nice standard for print (72dpi is sufficient for most web output)out.width
: our figures should fill the line widthcomment
: if we return code output, don’t prepend with #
anything — just the output.There are other options we can use. We can also override these setting as necessary for individual code chunks (as you’ll see below). The main idea with the set up code chunk is to get our document settings as close as possible to the way we generally want them.
```{r input}
## ---------------------------
## input
## ---------------------------
df <- read_csv(file.path(sch_dir, "all_schools.csv"))
From 1980 to 1985, students at four schools took end of year exams in
three subjects --- math, reading, and science. While these tests did
not affect students' grades or promotion, they were meant to measure
what students had learned over the course of the school year. In each
year, only 9th grade students took the exam. This means that each year
of data represents a different cohort of 9th grade students. Because
test scores are standardized within subject area, student cohorts can
be compared across time. The table below shows average test scores for
each school in each year.
```{r table_all, include = T}
## ---------------------------
## make table of all scores
## ---------------------------
## use the kable() function in knitr to make nicer table
digits = 0,
col.names = c("", "Year", "Math", "Reading", "Science"))
Your coding environment carries from chunk to chunk, meaning that if you
read in data in the input
code chunk as df
, then df
will still be
available to you in the next chunk table_all
after writing some
Markdown text. This means that you can still organize your RMD scripts
like your R scripts (no need to do everything at once in a single huge
```{r table_all, include = T}
## ---------------------------
## make table of all scores
## ---------------------------
## use the kable() function in knitr to make nicer table
digits = 0,
col.names = c("", "Year", "Math", "Reading", "Science"))
Since we want to show all of our data (which isn’t very big) and because
the data frame df
already is organized in the way we want to show the
data (school by year with different columns for each test), we can just
print out the data frame.
But to make it nicer, we use kable()
which is part of
knitr. Even
without options, kable()
will make a nicer table for us. We add
digits = 0
to make sure that we only show whole numbers and we change
our column names to something nicer (leaving a blank ""
for the school
name column, which is obvious). Notice that in the chunk braces we add
include = T
so that the output — our table — for just this one code
chunk will be printed.
You can also call R code inline, that is, outside of code chunks proper, inline with your Markdown text.
```{r table_averages, include = T}
## ---------------------------
## make table of averages
## ---------------------------
df_tab <- df %>%
## group by school
group_by(school) %>%
## get average across years
summarise(math_mean = mean(math),
read_mean = mean(read),
science_mean = mean(science))
## store variables to use in text below
hi_math_sch <- df_tab %>% filter(math_mean == max(math_mean)) %>% pull(school)
hi_math_scr <- df_tab %>% filter(math_mean == max(math_mean)) %>% pull(math_mean)
hi_read_sch <- df_tab %>% filter(read_mean == max(read_mean)) %>% pull(school)
hi_read_scr <- df_tab %>% filter(read_mean == max(read_mean)) %>% pull(read_mean)
hi_sci_sch <- df_tab %>% filter(science_mean == max(science_mean)) %>% pull(school)
hi_sci_scr <- df_tab %>% filter(science_mean == max(science_mean)) %>% pull(science_mean)
## use the kable() function in knitr to make nicer table
digits = 0,
col.names = c("", "Math", "Reading", "Science"))
Across the six years of data, `r hi_math_sch` had the
highest average math score (`r hi_math_scr %>% round`);
`r hi_read_sch` had the highest average reading score
(`r hi_read_scr %>% round`); and
`r hi_sci_sch` had the highest average science score
(`r hi_sci_scr %>% round`). However, these six year averages cover a fair
amount of variation within schools across time. In the next sections, I'll
investigate this variation.
Inside the code chunk called table_averages
we do three things:
: school name with highest average
math/read/science scorehi_<test>_scr
: highest average math/read/science scorekable()
In the Markdown text below this code chunk, we call the values using the inline code method
`r `
that is, single back tick, an r
, the code we want, then closing back
tick. We also pipe the object value to round
so that we don’t return
averages with extra and unnecessary decimal points. We could have simply
run all the code inline (included what we did in step 2 of the code
chunk above), but that would have made for extra messy code.
Being able to incorporate data-driven values directly in your test is
very powerful. You can include all kinds of ifelse()
logic to make
complex dynamic documents. Be aware, however, that your document text
still needs to make sense. It can be difficult enough writing one clear
sentence; having to write a sentence that will remain coherent despite
variable inputs can be very tough!
Finally, making figures is pretty much the same as making tables:
```{r fig_unadjusted, include = T}
## ---------------------------
## fig: unadjusted
## ---------------------------
## facet line graph, with one column so they stack
p <- ggplot(data = df_long,
mapping = aes(x = year, y = score, colour = school)) +
facet_wrap(~ test, ncol = 1, scales = "free_y") +
Having reshaped our original data frame long (df_long
), we make a
figure just as we’ve done in the past. While it’s not strictly necessary
to store the figure in an object (p
) that we then call, it works just
Notice that again added include = T
to the chunk brace. Because we
added figure options to opt_chunks$set()
in the setup code chunk, this
figure (as well as the next one) is sized so that it fills up the page
width (with height determined as a ratio of that width) and printed at
300 dpi quality. If you look in the figures
folder, you’ll see the
figure named repo-fig_unadjusted
, which is the prefix we set above
with the name of the code chunk.
Throughout our RMD file, we’ve include Markdown text. This text lives outside of the code chunks and is always printed in the final document. It follows normal Markdown text rules, but can have r code placed inline, as seen before.
Just as when you write a plain R script, your progress from initial RMD draft to final product will be iterative. While you can run R code from inside code chunks just as you’ve been all semester, you may find it useful to start your analyses in plain R files first and only add them to an RMD document later.
For big projects, such as dissertation, it also doesn’t make much sense to put everything — data reading, cleaning, analysis, table/figure making — inside a single RMD document. You have to redo your entire workflow each time you compile! For large projects, it might make sense to do all the heavy lifting in separate R scripts — saving cleaned up data sets, tables, and figures along the way — and putting all the pre-establish pieces together at the end.
But for small projects, such a descriptive policy report, a single RMD document might suffice. In the next lesson, we’ll work on cleaning up this document to make it even more professional looking.