EDH 7916: Contemporary Research in Higher Education

Spring 2020

A course in quantitative research workflow for students in the higher education administration program at the University of Florida

Course information
Meeting location
Getting started



If you have a question about the course, please file an Issue on our course site’s GitHub repository. This will allow others — who likely have a similar question — to see and even participate in the discussion and resolution.

Questions about all aspects of the course are fair game, including lessons and assignments. You can even submit suggestions and general interest notes (FYIs).

To help organize everything, I’ve included the following labels on the issues page:

When you ask a question, try to tag with one of the labels so that it’s easy to search for later. For example, if you have trouble installing git on your computer, you might tag your question with the Question, Subject: Git/GitHub, and OS: Windows labels.

Remember that others can search these (that’s the whole point) so try to give your question or suggestion a useful name.

One last note: when looking at past issues, be sure to look at both the Open and Closed issues. A closed issue is just one that has been answered and may have the answer you need.