EDH 7916: Contemporary Research in Higher Education

Spring 2020

A course in quantitative research workflow for students in the higher education administration program at the University of Florida

Course information
Meeting location
Getting started


Prior to first meeting, please follow the getting started link to download and install all relevant software and packages.

Core topics

Date Class number Topic
1/7 1 Introduction to R and git
1/14 2 Organizing a script and project directory
1/21 3 Data wrangling I: Enter the {tidyverse}
1/28 4 Class review and group coding
2/4 5 Data wrangling II: Appending, joining, and reshaping data
2/11 6 Data wrangling III: Working with strings and dates
2/18 7 Functional programming: for, if/else, loops, purrr::map()
2/25 8 Data wrangling IV: A philosophy of data wrangling
3/3 - NO CLASS Spring Break
3/10 9 One-on-one meetings
3/17 10 Exploratory data analysis: Data visualization with {ggplot2}
3/24 11 Fitting regression models
3/31 12 Creating dynamic research reports using RMarkdown + {knitr}
4/7 13 Outputting and saving production-ready tables and figures
4/14 14 TBD (see below)
4/21 15 Student presentations

Additional topics

Based on time and student interest, we may cover one or more of these topics on the dates marked TBD. Alternately, we may follow an emporium model, using class time to allow students to work independently or in small groups on the topic(s) of their choice.