EDH 7916: Contemporary Research in Higher Education

Summer 2020 (Session C)

A course in quantitative research workflow for students in the higher education administration program at the University of Florida

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Assignment 4


Using the hsls_small.csv data set and the online codebook, answer the following questions. You do not need to save the final output as a data file: just having the final result print to the console is fine. For each question, I would like you to try to pipe all the commands together. Throughout, you should account for missing values by dropping them.

For each question, show your data work and, if necessary, answer the question in a short (1-2 sentence(s)) comment.


  1. Compute the average test score by region and join back into the full data frame. Next, compute the difference between each student’s test score and that of the region. Finally, return the mean of these differences by region.
  2. Compute the average test score by region and family income level. Join back to the full data frame. HINT You can join on more than one key.
  3. Select the following variables from the full data set:
    • stu_id
    • x1stuedexpct
    • x1paredexpct
    • x4evratndclg

    From this reduced data frame, reshape the data frame so that it is long in educational expectations, meaning that each observation should have two rows, one for each educational expectation type.

    e.g. (your column names and values may be different)

    stu_id expect_type expectation x4evratndclg
    0001 x1stuedexpct 6 1
    0001 x1paredexpct 7 1
    0002 x1stuedexpct 5 1
    0002 x1paredexpct 5 1

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