EDH 7916: Contemporary Research in Higher Education

Summer 2020 (Session C)

A course in quantitative research workflow for students in the higher education administration program at the University of Florida

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Assignment 5


Using the hsls_small.dta data set (the Stata version) and the online codebook, make plots that help answer each of the following questions. You do not need to save the final plot. Throughout, you should account for missing values by dropping them.

For each question, show your data work and write 1-2 sentence(s) in a comment that describes the relationship your plot shows (i.e., how it answers the question).


  1. What is the distribution of household size among students in the sample?
  2. How does student socioeconomic status differ between students who ever attended college and those who did not?
  3. How do parental educational expectations differ across region?
  4. How does the relationship between socioeconomic status and math test score differ across region (use a smoothing line to help show any relationship)?
  5. Among students who ever attended college, how does socioeconomic status differ between those who delayed postsecondary enrollment and those who did not delay, when delay is defined as:
    • more than 6 months between high school graduation and postsecondary enrollment?
    • more than 12 months?
  6. BONUS Using the plotly library, recreate one of the plots from the lesson, but add an interactive component. For example, in one of the scatter plots, make it so that hovering over a point produces a pop-up that shows its value and the student to which it belongs.

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