A course in quantitative research workflow for students in the higher education administration program at the University of Florida
Using the els_plans.dta
data set and the abbreviated code book from
the lesson, answer the following
questions. You do not need to save the final output as a data file:
just having the final result print to the console is fine. You can
account for missing values by dropping them.
For each question, show your data work and then answer the question in a short (1-2 sentence(s)) comment.
, unweightedbystuwt
) and svyttest()
(don’t forget to set up your svydesign()
, unweightedbystuwt
) and svyglm()
, on base year
socioeconomic status (byses1
), gender (female
), mother’s BA
attainment (moth_ba
), father’s BA attainment (fath_ba
), and low
income status (lowinc
). Store the fit in an object called fit
and show the full results using summary()
to account for the binary response, then use the argument
type = "response"
in predict()
to get predicted
probabilities. Store these values in an object and make a histogram
of the range of predicted responses.<lastname>_assignment_8.R
) to our CANVAS
course site no later than 11:59 p.m. EDT on the due date.