A course in quantitative research workflow for students in the higher education administration program at the University of Florida
For this assignment, I want you to create a 1-2 page RMD document that
uses hsls_small.dta
to answer the following questions:
Do educational expectations between a student and their parents generally differ? If so, which group tends to have higher expectations? Do differences vary by the parents’ own educational attainment?
Your final file should include at least one figure and at least one table of summary statistics. The figure and table should be formatted nicely, with good axis labels and column names. You should explain your findings in the document text using Markdown syntax. You do not need to use or cite outside sources — just describe what you find. You also do not need to perform inferential tests (e.g. t-test of differences), though you can if you wish. I should not see input code in the final document — only the final clean output. In other words, it should look like a product you would give to a boss or would want given to you.
I recommend using test_score.Rmd
as a template for how you should:
Feel free to repurpose any code you’ve seen in prior lessons, but make sure you answer the question to the best of your ability.
) and
compiled document (<lastname>_assignment_6.pdf
) in your scripts