EDH 7916: Contemporary Research in Higher Education

Spring 2023

A course in quantitative research workflow for students in the higher education administration program at the University of Florida

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Assignment 9


I have been opinionated throughout this course (and in lesson 10 in particular) about the best ways to organize a quantitative data workflow. Considering all of that, please answer the following two questions in a Markdown (*.md) or RMarkdown (*.Rmd) file, giving about half of a page to each answer:

  1. What organizational/work flow practice that I have discussed do you think is unnecessary or impractical for daily data analytic tasks? Why? Keep in mind that practice doesn’t have to include using R, but could instead mean using SPSS, Excel, etc. Also, it’s not a trick or gotcha question! I want your (well considered) thoughts.
  2. What organizational/work flow practice have I not included that you think would help reduce error or improve reproducibility? Why?

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