EDH 7916: Contemporary Research in Higher Education

Spring 2023

A course in quantitative research workflow for students in the higher education administration program at the University of Florida

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Assignment: Interactive


Using hsls_small, please answer the following questions. Use comments to respond as necessary.


  1. Create an interactive histogram using another continuous variable in the hsls_small data set. You can make either a frequency or density histogram.
  2. Create an interactive two-way histogram using another grouping variable in the hsls_small data set (something other than parental college). You can use an existing indicator variable or create your own.
  3. Create an interactive 3D scatter plot using SES, math scores, and a categorical variable with more than two groups. This means your legend should more than two items and your graph should have more than two colors. Note that you likely need to increase the number of colors in pal (you can find more hex codes at https://htmlcolorcodes.com) or remove the argument altogether.
  4. BONUS Try to make an interactive figure using hsls_small unlike one we made in lesson. Use the examples from https://plotly.com/r/.

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