EDH 7916: Contemporary Research in Higher Education

Spring 2023

A course in quantitative research workflow for students in the higher education administration program at the University of Florida

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Assignment: Introduction to mapping in R


Using data from the geo directory in the data folder, please answer the following question. Use comments to respond as necessary.


  1. Re-project and re-plot your lower 48 states map df_l48 using a CRS code of 3338 (good for Alaska) and 32136 (good for Tennessee). What happens to the map each time?
  2. Choose a different cut point for BA attainment and different years. Plot another small multiples plots showing changes over time.
  3. Rerun this bit of code,
    df_sch_zip %>%
       st_drop_geometry() %>%
      	  group_by(zip) %>%
       summarise(num_schools = n()) %>%

    but store the results in a tibble this time. Join the tibble back to the df_zip sf object and make a plot that color codes each zip code by the number of schools it contains.

  4. Using the Alchua County geo data, flip the order of df_zon and df_zip in st_intersection() in order to see how many school zones are in each zip code. Choose a zip code that covers more than one elementary zone and plot it, color coding the unique elementary school zones.

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