A course in quantitative research workflow for students in the higher education administration program at the University of Florida
Using data from the geo
directory in the data folder, please answer
the following question. Use comments to respond as necessary.
using a
CRS code of 3338 (good for Alaska) and 32136 (good for
Tennessee). What happens to the map each time?df_sch_zip %>%
st_drop_geometry() %>%
group_by(zip) %>%
summarise(num_schools = n()) %>%
but store the results in a tibble this time. Join the tibble back
to the df_zip
sf object and make a plot that color codes each zip
code by the number of schools it contains.
in st_intersection()
in order to see how many school zones
are in each zip code. Choose a zip code that covers more than one
elementary zone and plot it, color coding the unique elementary school
) in your scripts