EDH 7916: Contemporary Research in Higher Education

Spring 2023

A course in quantitative research workflow for students in the higher education administration program at the University of Florida

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Assignment: Inferential II


Using els_plans.dta, please answer the following questions. Use comments to respond as necessary.


  1. Using this multiple regression model from the lesson,
    lm(bynels2m ~ byses1 + female + moth_ba + fath_ba + lowinc, data = df)

    add the fitted values to the residuals and store in an object, x. Compare these values to the math scores in the data frame.

  2. Using this multiple regression model from the lesson,
    lm(bynels2m ~ byses1 + female + moth_ba + fath_ba + lowinc + factor(bystexp),
       data = df)

    Add the categorical variable byincome to the model above. Next use model.matrix() to check the RHS matrix.

  3. Fit a linear model with both interactions and a polynomial term. Then look at the model matrix to see what R did under the hood.
  4. Fit a logit or probit model to another binary outcome than what was selected in the lesson (other than plan_col_grad: you can make a new one if you want).

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