Students are expected to complete the following assignments as part of
the course (percentage of final grade in parentheses):
- Class participation (25%): We will use class time to work through
lesson modules together. Students are expected to follow along with
the presentation and run code on their own machine. Students are
also expected to answer questions and work through example problems
throughout the class session.
- Problem sets (50%): Every lesson module will end with a set of
questions that students must answer. Students can work together to
solve the problem sets, but everyone must submit their own work and
do their best to give accurate attribution for borrowed/repurposed
code. In general, problem set answers will need to be submitted via
GitHub a week after they are assigned.
- Reproducible report (25%): Students must produce a 3-5 page
report on a higher education topic of interest. The report should be
a combination of writing, tables, and figures, have minimal
citations, and be fully reproducible with minimal effort. Students
must use publicly available data.
Weekly assignments
Assignment 1
Assignment 2
Assignment 3
Final project: data set
Assignment 4
Assignment 5
Assignment 6
Final project: initial analysis
Assignment 7
Assignment 8
Assignment 9