A course in quantitative research workflow for students in the higher education administration program at the University of Florida
Now that we’ve learned a variety of data wrangling tasks, we’ll take some time to discuss good workflow, that is, moving from raw data to data that are ready for analysis. In the lessons and assignments we’ve had so far, we’ve actually already covered many of the major points that are discussed below. This lesson, therefore, is one part review and one part making explicit the good practices that we’ve implicitly followed.
From the third lesson, we’ve been very concerned about how our project is organized. This includes both the directory of folders and files on our machine and the scripts that run our analyses.
While it is certainly easier on the front end to store all project files in a single folder
|--+ analysis.R
|--+ clean.R
|--+ clean_data.rds
|--+ data1.csv
|--+ data2.csv
|--+ histogram_x.png
|--+ density_z.png
it’s better to separate files by type/purpose in your project directory (“a place for everything and everything in its place”):
| |--+ clean_data.rds
| |--+ data1.csv
| |--+ data2.csv
| |--+ histogram_x.png
| |--+ density_z.png
|--+ analysis.R
|--+ clean.R
Just like there’s something to be said for visiting the library in order to scan titles in a particular section — it’s easier to get an idea of what’s available by looking at the shelf than by scanning computer search output — it’s useful to be able to quickly scan only the relevant files in a project. With well-named files (discussed below) and an organized directory structure, a replicator may be able to guess the purpose, flow, and output of your project without even running your code.
Quick question
When using a project directory instead of just a single folder, we need to use file paths. In particular, we use relative paths rather than fixed paths. Why?
In the lesson on organizing, I also shared a template R script. While you do not need to use my particular template — in fact, you should modify it to meet your needs — it does follow a few organizational rules that you should follow as well.
Quick question
Why put things like file paths or macros at the top of the file?
Remember: even though our scripts are instructions for the computer, they are also meant to be read by us humans. How well you comment your code and how well you name your objects, scripts, data, output, etc, determine the clarity of your intent.
Don’t assume that your intent is clear. Particularly because so much working code comes as the result of many (…many…many…) revisions to non-working code, it’s very important that you comment liberally.
## Creating a dummy variable for each state from current categorical variable
## Converting 1/2 indicator to 0/1 so 1 == variable name
## see <url> for data codebook
## h/t <url> for general code that I slightly modified
## log(xy) = log(x) + log(y)
## using logarithms for more numerically stable calculations
All of these items are good uses for comments.
Quick question
In which situation are comments not useful?
For R, all the following objects are functionally equivalent:
## v.1
x <- c("Alabama","Alaska","Arkansas")
## v.2
stuff <- c("Alabama","Alaska","Arkansas")
## v.3
cities <- c("Alabama","Alaska","Arkansas")
## v.4
states <- c("Alabama","Alaska","Arkansas")
However, only the last object, states
, makes logical sense to us
based on its contents. So while R will work just as happily with
, stuff
, cities
, or states
, a collaborator will appreciate
since it gives an idea of what it contains (or should contain) —
even without running the code.
Quick question
Without seeing the initial object assignment, what might you expect to see as output from the following code coming from a fellow higher education researcher? Why?
for (i in flagship_names) { print(i) }
When objects are well named, your code may become largely self-documenting, which is particularly nice since you don’t have to worry about drift between your comments and code over time.
In the functional programming lesson, we discussed the difference between Don’t Repeat Yourself programming and Write Every Time programming. As much as possible and within the dictates of organizing and clarity, it’s a good idea to automate as much as you can.
In general, the goal for an analysis script — in particular, a replication script — is that it will run from top to bottom with no errors by just pushing a button. What I mean by this is that I want to:
The dream!
When projects are complicated or data isn’t easily shared (or can’t be shared), the push button replication may not be feasible. But your goal should always be to get as close to that as possible. Make your life a little harder so your collaborators, replicators — and future you! — have it a little easier.
ONE NOTE Like writing a paper, the process going from a blank script to a final product typically isn’t linear. You’ll have starts and stops, dead-ends and rewrites. You shouldn’t expect a polished paper from the first draft, and you shouldn’t expect to code up a fully replicable script from the get-go.
There’s something to be said for just getting your ideas down on paper, no matter how messy. Similarly, it may be better to just get your code to work first and then clean it up later. My only warning here is that while you have to clean up a paper eventually (someone’s going to read it), code still remains largely hidden from public view. There will be a temptation to get it to work and then move on. Fight that urge!
Quick question
In a world in which not everyone knows how to use R, what’s another benefit of push-button automation?
We’ve only worked with one script so far, but you can use the
in R to call other R scripts. For a very large project, you may decide
to have multiple scripts. For example, you may have one script that
downloads data, one that cleans the data, one that performs the
analyses, and one that makes the figures.
Rather than telling a would-be replicator to “run the following files in the following order”
you could instead include a run_all.R
script that only sources each
script in order and tell the replicator to run that:
## To run all analyses, set the working directory to "scripts" and
## enter
## source("./run_all.R")
## into the console.
## download data
## clean data
## run analyses
## make figures
Not only is that easier for others to run, you now have a single script that makes your analytic workflow much clearer. Note that there are other ways to do something like this, such as using makefiles (here’s an example of the replication code for one of my projects), but using only R will work pretty well.
As you wrangle your data, you should take advantage of your computer’s power not only to perform the munging tasks you require, but also to test that inputs and outputs are as expected.
Let’s say you are investigating how college students use their time. You have data from a time use study in which 3,000 students recorded how they spent every hour for a week. The data come to you at the student-week level and grouped by activity type. This means you see that Student A spent 15 hours working, 20 hours studying/doing homework, etc. You create a new column that adds the time for all categories together and take the summary. You find:
variable | mean | sd | min | max |
total_hrs | 167.99 | 1.93 | 152.48 | 183.46 |
Something is wrong.
Quick question
What’s wrong?
Rather than going through an ad-hoc set of “ocular” checks, you can
build in more formal checks. We’ve done a little of this when using
or all.equal()
to compare data frames. You could build
these into your scripts. For example:
You can use simple tests to check, and include a stop()
inside an if()
## halt if max number of months is greater than 12 since data are only
## for one year
if (max(length(months)) > 12) {
stop("Reported months greater than 12! Check!")
This only works if you know your data. Knowing your data requires both domain knowledge (“Why are summer enrollments so much higher than fall enrollments…that doesn’t make sense.”) and particular knowledge about your data (“All values of x between 50 and 100, except these two, which are -1 and 20000…something’s up”).
Programmers are big on unit testing their functions. This simply means giving their functions or applications very simple input that should correspond to straightforward output and confirming that that is the case.
For example, if their function could have three types of output depending on the input, they run at least three tests, one for each type of output they expect to see. In practice, they might run many more tests for all kinds of conditions — even those that should “break” the code to make sure the proper errors or warnings are returned.
As data analysts, you are unlikely to need to conduct a full testing
regime for each project. But if you write your own functions, you
should definitely stress test them a bit. This testing shouldn’t be in
your primary script but rather in another script, perhaps called
. These can be informal tests such as
## should return TRUE
(function_to_return_1() == 1)
or more sophisticated tests using R’s testthat library.
Again, the point isn’t that you spend all your time writing unit tests. But spending just a bit of time checking that your functions do what you think they do will go a long way.
Quick question
Imagine you’ve written your own version of
, which lets you normalize a set of numbers to N(0,1):my_scale <- function(x) { ## get mean mean_x <- mean(x) ## set sd sd_x <- sd(x) ## return scaled values ## x - mean_x ## scaled_x = ------------ ## sd_x return((x - mean_x) / sd_x) }
What kind of tests do you think you should run, i.e., what kind of inputs should you give it and what should you expect?
There is a notion in software development that a program should fail gracefully, which means that when a problem occurs, the program should at the very least give the user a helpful error message rather than just stopping without note or looping forever until the machine halts and catches fire.
As data analysts, I want your scripts to do the opposite: I want your code to exit loudly and awkwardly if there’s a problem. You aren’t writing a program but rather an analysis. Therefore, the UX I care about is the reader of your final results and your future replicators. Rather than moving forward silently when something strange happens — which is lovely on the front end because everything keeps running but deadly on the back end — your code should stop and yell at you when something unexpected happens. It’s annoying, but that’s the point.
In the lessons so far, we’ve generally read in raw data, done some processing that we printed to the console, and then finished. This is fine for our small lessons and assignments, but in your own work, you will often want to save your changes to the data along the way — that is, save updated data files at discrete points in your data analysis. This is particularly true for large projects in which wrangling your data is distinct from its analysis and you don’t want to run each part every time.
Broadly, there are four stages of data:
For small projects, you may not end up with data files for each stage. That said, your workflow should be organized in terms of moving from one stage to the next.
We’ll talk about each below.
ACKNOWLEDGMENT I want to give a quick hat tip to two people who’ve really helped me clarify my thinking about these stages of data, Will Doyle and Sally Hudson: Will for first showing the importance of keeping raw data untouched; and Sally for showing how useful it is to make a distinction between objective and subjective data processing, particularly in large projects. Thanks and credit to both.
Raw data, that is, the data you scrape, download, receive from an advisor or research partner, etc, are sacrosanct. Do not change them! They are to be read into R (or whatever software you use) and that is all.
You will be tempted from time to time to just fix this one thing
that is wonky about the data. Maybe you have a *.csv
file that has a
bunch of junk notes written above the actual data table (not
uncommon). The temptation will be to delete those rows so you have a
clean file. NO! There are ways to skip rows in a file like this, for
example. R is particularly good at reading in a large number of data
types with a large number of special situations.
If you are at all concerned that you or a collaborator may accidentally save over your raw files, your operating system will allow you to change the file permissions such that they are read-only files (Dropbox will let you protect files in this way, too). Particularly if working with a number of collaborators, protecting your raw data files in this way is a good idea.
As a first step in processing your data, you should only make objective modifications. What do I mean by objective? They are those modifications that:
To the first point, let’s say you receive student-level administrative
data that includes a column, state
, that is the student’s home
state. However, values in the column include:
(state FIPS code)Another example would be a date column, month
, in which you see:
In both cases, it’s clear that you want a consistent format for the data. Whatever you pick, these are objective changes that you would make at this time.
To the second point, let’s say this same administrative data are going
to be used across multiple projects. In each project, you need to
compute the proportion of in-state vs. out-of-state students. The data
column that indicates this is called residency
and is coded (with no
data labels) as
:= in-state2
:= out-of-stateComing back to the data later and taking a look at the first few rows
in residency
, will it be clear
and 2
An objective change that you can use across analyses will be to make a
new column called instate
in which
:= out-of-state1
:= in-stateThe benefits are three-fold:
and 1
are logically coded as FALSE
and TRUE
gives a direction to the 0
s and 1
s: 1
means in-stateinstate
will give you the proportion of
in-state students in your dataIf your data or project (or number of projects) is large, you many want to save data files after your objective wrangling. These can be reused across projects, which will make sure that objective data wrangling decisions are consistent.
Whatever changes are left over after you’ve make objective changes are subjective changes. These changes are project and analysis specific.
For example, let’s say your student-level administrative data have information about the student’s expected family contribution or EFC. In your data, you have the actual values. However, you want to compare your data to other published research in which EFC is binned into discrete categories. This means that in order to make a comparison, you have to bin your data the same way. This is a subjective task for two reasons:
Some other subjective changes you might make to a data set:
when a student’s family
income is below $35,000/year (why $30k? why not $25k or $35k?)But wait! Maybe you do want to use the binned value of EFC in multiple projects — perhaps the binned categories are standard across the literature — or the other examples appear always useful and otherwise standard. Isn’t that objective?
The thing about determining the difference between objective vs subjective cleaning is that on the margins, well, it’s subjective! The point is not to have hard and fast rules, but rather to do your best to clearly separate those data wrangling tasks that must be done for the sake of consistency and clarity versus those that may change depending on your research question(s).
Quick question
What might be some other subjective data wrangling tasks? Think about other research you’ve conducted or seen. Or think about what our lessons and assignments so far: what have been subjective tasks?
Finally, analysis data are data that are properly structured for the analysis you want to run (or the table or figure you want to make). In many cases, your analysis data set will be the same as your clean data set:
Most R statistical routines (e.g., mean()
, sd()
, lm()
) do a
fair amount of data wrangling under the hood to make sure it can do
what you ask. For example, you may have missing values (NA
) in your
clean data set, but R’s linear model function, lm()
, will just drop
observations with missing values by default. If you are okay with that
in your analysis, R can handle it.
However, for some special models or figures, you may need to reshape
or pre-process your clean data in one last step before running the
specific analysis you want. For example, your clean data frame may
have a column of parental occupational field (parocc
) as a categorical
variable in which the first few categories are
:= Management Occupations13
:= Business and Financial Operations Occupations15
:= Computer and Mathematical Occupations17
:= Architecture and Engineering Occupations…and so on. You want to run an analysis in which you can’t use this
categorical variable but instead need a vector of dummy variables,
that is, converting this single column into a bunch of columns that
only take on 0
values if parocc
equals that occupation:
manage_occ == 1
if parocc == 11
else manage_occ == 0
busfin_occ == 1
if parocc == 13
else busfin_occ == 0
commat_occ == 1
if parocc == 15
else commat_occ == 0
arceng_occ == 1
if parocc == 17
else arceng_occ == 0
…and so on. Particularly if
you may want to save this particular analysis data set.
As with the difference between objective and subjective data, the difference between subjective and analysis data does not align to a set of hard and fast rules. That’s okay! The main point is that as a data analyst, you make data wrangling decisions thinking about how you will go from raw to objective to subjective to analysis data in a logical and clear manner. Collaborators, replicators, and future you will appreciate it!
There are a number of great texts that talk about the process of data wrangling. Two that have particularly informed this lecture and are worth looking at more fully: