A course in quantitative research workflow for students in the higher education administration program at the University of Florida
Students are expected to complete the following assignments as part of the course (percentage of final grade in parentheses):
Problem sets (50%): Every lesson module will have an associated set of questions that must be answered and submitted. You may work together and/or use online resources to solve the problem sets, but everyone must submit their own work and do their best to give accurate attribution for borrowed/repurposed code. There will be one problem set for each of ten (10) lessons, with each set worth 5% of the final grade. In general, problem set answers will need to be submitted via Canvas two (2) weeks after they are assigned.
There are four (4) supplemental lessons — two before the mid-course break and two after — that will include supplemental assignments. Though these are not required, you may find them useful. You may replace up to two (2) problem set submissions with submissions from the supplemental assignments. Please note that the supplemental assignments may be more difficult than the normal problem set assignments.
Reproducible report (50%): Everyone must produce a 3-5 page report on a higher education topic of interest. The report should be a combination of writing, tables, and figures, have minimal citations (if any), and be fully reproducible with minimal effort. You must use data that is either publicly available or that can be shared with others (no IRB restrictions). Everyone will submit three preliminary assignments in addition to the final report. Each product is worth the following percentage of the final grade: